1.Click the "Start" button and open "Notepad" by typing "notepad" in the search box If you're running Windows XP, Click Start, Run and type "notepad".

2. Type the following lines of text in the Notepad screen:

@echo off
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
%random% %random% %random%
 goto start

3Click "File" and then "Save As." Save your file as a Batch file: "Matrix.bat". make sure you include the .bat, if not it will be saved as a text file.

4. Go back to the "Start" button and open the file. You will see the falling code that resembles Matrix rain.

5. Enter Full Screen mode by right-clicking in the Command Prompt or press ALT+SPACE BAR and clicking on properties.
Under "Properties," choose "Run."
On the drop-down list, choose "Maximized."

:start this is word with a colon is what the computer recognises and when you issue the goto then the word eg like goto start when all process are done you are saying to the system, hey boy return back and start from beginning

 @echo off will make sure that the commands typed donot display when its displayed on your screen.
 echo %random% this echo is a command that displays, so you are telling the computer to display numbers randomly from 1 to around 29615 or so, that is when you include the %random%


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